Second tier deck is back sloping towards the house and causing water to pool along the house.
The beam has to be exposed in order to cut the top of the connecting posts. Unfortunately the structural support posts inside the stone veneer run through the concrete on grade into screw piles beneath it.
All the posts are ready to be cut in order to lower the beam and slope the water to the edge of the deck. We used temporary supports for the beam while cutting the posts.
The beam has been lowered and the deck is now properly sloped. We water tested by spraying water all over the deck with a hose. All framed back up and ready for the preparation of the stone veneer.
The stone veneer preparation involves installing building paper, wire mesh and a scratch coat of mortar. 1 down… 4 to go!
Piece by piece, we did our best to match size and color with new stone veneer. This project was completed with the addition of new eavestroughs and a downspout connecting into the existing to shed water away from the deck and lower patio. These clients were happy to finally enjoy a dry deck!